Rev Pam returned to Springfield, OR after serving as Associate Minister of Unity on the Bay in Miami, FL. She teaches metaphysical principles and Ayurvedic lifestyle tools to fulfill her vision of empowering individuals to employ their innate abilities, thus transforming work into play and the world to a more love-filled place.
She answered the call to ministry after serving as Board President and as Y.O.U. sponsor at Unity of the Valley in Eugene, OR while raising three children and founding a holistic medicine practice with her physician husband. She was honored as Volunteer of the Year in 2020 at Looking Glass Community Services in Eugene, OR for founding a spiritual education outreach for previously incarcerated youth. She also served as the Family Empowerment Minister and Operations Director at Unity of Central Florida in Orlando prior to joining Unity on the Bay. She still strives for balance, and to be a model of ahimsa, non-violence, on this life journey.
Springfield, OR
Healing & Wholeness, Metaphysics, Interfaith, and much more. I offer a workshop "Living as your Whole Self: an Ayurvedic Journey" that offers ayurvedic tools incorporated with Unity Metaphysics to heal holistically for spiritual growth and physical wellness.