Hello Keepers of the Light,

Earlier last month something shifted for me in regards to this monthly sharing of abundance. I felt called to call you to participate more often in sharing your own personal stories of prosperity, as a representation of the give-and-receive nature of the flow between all of us. 

Before sharing this inner guidance with you, I ran the idea by Barbara Thorpe, previous writer for Keepers of the Light, as well as Unity of Central Oregon’s Senior Minister, Jane Hiatt. In response I received several energized gestures of prosperity from the Universe that I will share with you now.

First, I received a story of abundance from Barbara which I enjoyed sharing with you last month, about the incredible work she contributes to through Unity Lynnwood and their housing re-fresh they produce each year. 
Then, I received  a tithe from Unity PNW, a gesture I assume was generated by Rev Jane. What a sweet surprise to get in the mail!

The abundant flow continued when, last month I started attending a Tai Chi studio, despite having severe plantar fasciitis. A fellow student learned of my foot pain and offered a free hour-long treatment session at his wellness studio. During this session where he used muscle testing and a laser, he shared how his own neurological issues caused him to listen more deeply to his inner healer. His process of healing included acknowledging to his higher power that this healing energy was to be shared freely with others, hence his offer to treat me for no charge. I told him how his generosity was a confirmation of my own beliefs about prosperity. In receiving his gift I felt the universe holding me, acknowledging my call. 

On another occasion, I got to chatting with a friendly woman after water aerobics. We were really enjoying getting to know each other, especially when it came to sharing about our blessed lives and what we appreciate about our community. I knew I was in the flow of abundance when she looked me directly in the eyes and said, “If you look for it, abundance is present all the time.” 

“OKAY, UNIVERSE!” I laughed to myself. “You’ve got my attention!”

In all these ways Abundance proved itself to me this past month, when I opened to a more authentic flow of it. 
And now I welcome you to participate more fully in our monthly sharing of abundance. If this monthly letter is helpful or supportive to you, please share a personal story that I can share with the group. It is my hope that each of you will share a personal story of prosperity about once a year. If this doesn’t feel like an authentic expression of your energy right now, I invite you to consider what being a part of this group means to you, and share that!

I am excited to hear your stories.