From the Regional Board
Many of you attended our NW Business meeting last week and already have heard UWM’s news about the new face of training ministers and LUT’s at UWSI. If you weren’t there, you can access more information here and you can attend the Town Hall meeting on October 23 at 3:00-4:30 central time. Register here now.
The other big news from the annual meeting is that we have a new board! Rev. Jane Hiatt was re-elected for another three-year term and she is now the Board Chair. Mike Muir, the spiritual leader of Unity in Salt Lake City is now our Board Vice Chair. Linda Andrus and Rev Susan Gumm, both from Missoula, MT, are co-Treasurers. Newly appointed Rev. Diane Robertson from Seattle Unity is filling out Rev. James Tierney’s term and also accepted his role as secretary. (Rev. James accepted a position as senior minister for a local CSL church and so stepped down from our board. Congratulations to Rev. James!) Lori Erwin-Johnson, the spiritual leader at Unity of Tacoma, is our newest board member. Audrey Pitchford and Barbara Thorp are our LUT Rep and alternate. And Regional Rep Rev. Carrie Kenyon rounds out the team. We are excited to see what we will create together.
We also want to acknowledge Rev Rachel Simpson from Unity in Alaska who served seven years on the board and as our Chair for the last three. She brought innovative thinking; a history and passion for youth-- having grown up in this Unity region; wizard level tech skills; and plenty of silly jokes and general humor. We will miss her blue streaks and gavel and her dogs peeking in on our meetings but we’re happy that she’ll have time now to get some extra dog walks in! We know Ra will continue to serve our region and we shower her with appreciation for all she has given so far!
Our Sharing Shabbat retreat is just around the corner and we have 25 leaders attending!
Our tithe for September went to Rev. Karen Lindvig from Seattle Unity to honor her for receiving Unity’s Light of God Expressing award this summer. Ordained in 1984, Karen has led the Seattle Unity community since 1990! Mystical, Courageous, Funny, Innovative, and Wise, Karen is an outstanding minister, a powerhouse of prayer consciousness, and a mentor to many. We are so blessed to have her in our region. Congratulations Rev Karen!
Self-Awareness SEE Class
with Rev. Jane Hiatt and Maya Arden
Thursdays, October 19-December 7, 5:00-7:00 pm (skips Thanksgiving) PDT
Youth Events Calendar
Check out all the youth events that we are offering this year and get them on your ministry's calendar!
Click here to downloadUnitreat
Fall Unitreat "What Do You Stand For?"
Save the date! November 10, 11, & 12th at Cispus Learning Center in Randle, WA. This event is for current 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, their sponsors, and supporters. Registration details will be available in the coming weeks on our website!
Chapter X is an International virtual chapter of Youth of Unity, led by YOUers from around the country. If there are one or two high school-aged teens in your ministry that are having a hard time sustaining a YOU group, your teens can participate in Chapter X to meet other YOUers and be eligible to participate in Regional events. These bi-weekly meetings begin September 10th. More information will be available in the coming weeks.
Teens can learn more and sign-up at:
Youth Team Conference - Save the Date!
January 26-28, 2024 in Gold Bar, WA
The theme of the conference this year is, "The Breath of Life: The World is Our Teacher." The NW Region Youth Team Conference is an educational gathering and a time to rejuvenate, connect, inspire, and exchange mentoring wisdom.
Invest in your Youth Ministry program by sending your teachers to Youth Team Conference.
What if Unity parents could connect with other Unity parents, receive an idea and be supported in parenting more positively? What if there was a monthly Parents in Unity Zoom call to connect with Credentialed Unity Leaders, who have parented children in Unity, about an idea to incorporate into the lives of families and then have a period of sharing, and questions. We hope you'll join us 2nd Sundays starting September 10th, as follows: ET: 8pm; CT: 7pm; MT: 6pm; PT: 5pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Facilitated by: Diane Venzera
Tuesday Nov 7 & Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 11:00-2:00 PM PT
Over the past year we have seen the sprouting of interest in creating and growing youth ministry programs across the country. As it has been said, it takes a village to nurture the growth & unfoldment of our children & teens. Join us for a two-day online event where we will explore the current state of Youth Ministry in Unity, discover innovative and creative solutions to overcome the barriers that are hindering growth, and work together to create an active plan of support. CEU Credits available for Credentialed Leaders.
Register here by Sunday, November 5, end of day.