What’s in the newsletter this month?
YFM Summer Camp Info
Regional News & Updates
UNWR 2024 Minister’s Retreat
Guest Speaker Registry
Licensed Unity Teacher Retreat
EarthCare Green Star Award Info
Classes & Events Taking Place
Resources Available to You
Summer Unitreat
"We Are the Journey”
Camp Cedar Ridge in Vernonia, Oregon
July 28 - Aug 2 | Click here to register
Cost: $450
I am excited to be on the journey with all the Uniteens and counselors at Unitreat, July 28-August 2, at Camp Cedar Ridge in Vernonia Oregon. As in all journeys we will have fun, challenge by choice and learnings from our time together. I’m packing equipment, counting supplies and making sure I have a pool towel, swimsuit & my favorite bed roll and pillow!
There’s still time to register for Summer Unitreat! Registration deadline is July 12, 2024. Scholarships are available & the scholarship form is with the registration forms on the NW Region’s website under Uniteens. Please be sure to mail or email a copy of all Unitreat forms to our Uniteen Consultant by July 12. All drivers to/from camp need to carry forms with them. - Chris
Youth of Unity Rendezvous
“The Phases of You”
August 1-4 in Vernonia, OR
Featuring Mark Stanton Welch
The YOU Rendezvous is a 4-day communion with Spirit. Daily activities include large group workshops, small group discussions, singing, meditation, dancing, prayer, and vespers. YOUers must be at least 14 years old (or in ninth grade) & no more than 18 years old (or high school senior).
Registration deadline is July 8th!
Regional News & Updates
Unity Worldwide Convention
Our region had eleven representatives at the Unity Worldwide Convention - including three first timers. (Two of those were brand new UWSI ministry students). It was a very nourishing experience, especially since we were back at the Village. Our time included a rollicking Juneteenth celebration. We only wish you could have all been there.
Rev Jane Hiatt (Bend), Laura DuBois (Eugene), Rev Pam Gutierrez (Miami), Rev Lisa Davis (Portland), and Barbara Thorp (Lynwood)
UNWR Retreat
We hope you will all be joining us for the NW retreat in September in Coeur d’Alene. If you’re reading this on the day it comes out, this is officially your last day to get the early bird prices. Registration is available here!
When: September 16-18, 2024
Where: Coeur d’Alene, ID
Leap Event
If you tuned into the Leap Event in early June, you watched presentations that showcased an Arts library, events beyond church walls, curriculum for the WeSpace Mystical Prayer training, and a program to get young adults more involved in Unity. Unity Arts Ministry was the winner. They will be developing an online system that allows all of us to access their lesson plans and bring more creativity to our communities.
Denise Rosier Music
Denise Rosier, the wonderful musician for the convention, has generously shared her most popular songs. She says:
“I had an awesome time performing at the Unity Convention last week, and received some helpful requests regarding my music. One of them was to put my sing-along songs on YouTube. So, here they are!
I created a special SING-ALONG VIDEO SECTION on my YouTube channel where you can find 12 easy to follow lyric videos of my most requested inspirational sing-alongs. Link: https://youtube.com/playlist...
You can also download free lyrics and chord charts for these songs on my website: https://www.deniserosier.com/chords
Whether they find their way into your daily spiritual practice, or your in-house or livestream services, I hope they lift you up!”
Guest Speaker Registry
Are you interested in being on a registry for the Region for available guest speakers? If so, please click on the button below and fill out our registry form so we can compile an up-to-date listing to share with our members!
Licensed Unity Teacher Retreat
Friday, Oct. 11 through Sun, Oct. 13, 2024
Join your fellow Licensed Unity Teachers for an unforgettable retreat at Unity Village! Connect deeper with other teachers, yourself, and Spirit; relax, reflect on spirit as nature, experience boundless joy and gratitude, and enrich your life with prayer time and something greater. You will leave feeling honored, appreciated, loved for the service you give, and an even wider circle of friends who will support you in your teaching and on your own unique spiritual journey.
EarthCare Green Star Award
Good news! For spiritual centers that have not yet applied, the application date for this year's Green Star Award has been extended to July 31, 2024. The award recognizes Unity congregations that completed at least three significant environmental activities during calendar year 2023 that foster awareness of our spiritual oneness with the Earth and promote active care of the environment. Please relate the activity to the appropriate Step or Action of the Path to EarthCare and include support as applicable. Please contact Mike McCord with any questions.
Rev. Cylvia also offers the following SEE courses in self-directed format in which the student does courses on their own schedule using pre-recorded videos and study materials: History of New Thought and Unity, Foundations of Unity, Metaphysics 1, 2, 3, and 4. All of these are required courses for the UWM ministerial or LUT paths.
Fee: $150 (includes $45 registration fee for SEE credit with Unity Worldwide Ministries). For more information send an email to Cylvia@cylviahayes.com.
Are there classes being held at your center you’d like to advertise for others in our region? Let us know!