From the Regional Board
Our first Regional SEE Week was a wonderful success. We had 4 ministers teaching 4 classes and 21 students taking a combination of 1, 2, or 3 classes. We plan to do another one next year, so if any of you licensed teachers or ministers want to be part of it, please contact Rev. Jane Hiatt.
We celebrate Barbara Thorp, LUT, who is retiring as Keeper of the Light for our NW Region. Seven years ago Barbara picked up the torch from Reverend Georgie who began the program many years ago as a way to foster prosperity in our region. For the last seven years Barbara has stretched her creative limits, writing beautiful messages to inspire us all and offering affirmations to hold for our individual communities and for our Region and for our Unity movement worldwide. We know that the prosperity we enjoy today has been enriched by Barbara‘s consciousness and by the consciousness of all those who have participated in this program. If you feel a call to take up the challenge of being Keeper of the Light, Barbara is happy to mentor you and we will be so appreciative. Please contact Barbara.
Our tithe this month goes to Unity Spiritual Center in Spokane to congratulate them for hiring a new minister: Rev. Bonnie Barnard. Rev. Bonnie is an author, an educator, and a seasoned minister who is currently in the program to get her Unity credentials. Our region is blessed to have her among us!
Do you know an individual or a Unity center that has something special going that would warrant choosing them for a tithe? Please let us know!
All Northwest Region LUTs
All regional Licensed Unity Teachers (LUTs) and Teachers in Training (TnTs) are invited to the quarterly connection call on Saturday, Feb. 18, from 10-11:30am Pacific Time! Hosted by Audrey Pitchford, LUT.
This is a chance to:
Please join us if you can!
Meeting ID: 840 1184 1754
Passcode: 414811
Reminder for Annual Reports.
Annual reports are due to Unity Worldwide Ministries (UWM) by March 31, 2023. UWM is sending out personalized Credentialed Leader Report Forms in January and early February. (They look like the image below). If you have not yet received one, please check your spam, promotions, junk, and regular email folders. If it is not there, please reach out to UWM ( as soon as possible. Completed forms are due back to UWM by March 31. For details about reporting Continuing Educational Units (CEUs), please see the previous link. Thank you for all you do to serve your communities and the Region, and to keep your details current with UWM!
Minister's Retreat at Unity Village
Here’s a link to the registration page
And here’s a link to the promo video
Speaker Opportunity
Thursdays, February 2 – March 16
Online via Zoom: 5:00-7:00 PM
Facilitated by: Rev. Jane Hiatt
"Unity and World Religions" Book Study
Thursdays – February 16 to April 13, 2023 (Skipping March 23rd)
5:00pm AK; 6:00pm PT; 7:00pm MT; 8:00pm CT; 9:00pm ET
Sound, Alchemy, and Your Divine Blueprint
Tuesday, March 22, 6:30 PM PST
with Joshua Inacio, Unity of Salem
Summer UNITREAT-New Place, new time!! Please join us!!
Camp Cedar Ridge in Vernonia Oregon
August 21-26, Monday through Saturday.
What’s new? A hillside Slip n Slide, a Challenge Course, new trails to explore, a swimming pool and not new is friends to make! All Uniteens 11-14 and their sponsors or counselors. Online registration will be available by April 15.
Cost $450.00.
For discussion make an appt for a phone call with Chris via email.
Blessings Abound,
Chris Castaldi, your Uniteen Consultant
Youth Team Conference
January 27th-29th 25 people from 8 ministries gathered for the 43rd Annual NW Region Youth Team Conference. The theme was "At the River's Edge" and we explored how to take our youth ministry programs from where they are now to where we would like them to be. Presenters Mark Stanton Welch and Rev. Diane Venzera enhanced and enriched this journey. It was a weekend full of love, joy, communion, support, and collaboration. And everyone is looking forward to next year's conference. Thank you for supporting youth ministry in our region--it transforms lives!
We give deep gratitude to your Youth Services Team; 4 members plus Nick & Chris who develop and serve at this conference. They are Barbara Selvaggi and Marilee Payne from Portland Unity, Rev Phillip Zemke from Bozeman Unity, and Heidi Nathe from the region.
Check out the updated Youth Events Calendar for 2023! Please not that Kids Camp will be July 1st-4th in Vernonia, OR.
The Unity Northwest Region's website is full of services and various resources available to you and your ministry. Click on the links to be directed:
Do you have something to add to this monthly newsletter or wish to share on our website? Email us here! Submissions are due by the 25th of each month.